Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So i was awoken this morning by the strong need to use the restroom. I feel like i was having some dream about it somehow to get me to wake up. It was 5:30. So i make it to the bathroom and have a painful experience. Gotta say, those laxative teas work! It was weird because i remember thinking how awake i felt, like as soon as I opened my eyes, which is strange for me because I am not a 5:30 am type of girl (unless I am flying somewhere). But despite this great awake feeling I went back to bed :) Anyhow, no super hunger pains early this morning, which is good because i usually wake up starving. And i don't really get hungry per se until right around lunchtime. It doesn't help that I sit next to the kitchen at work and have to smell everyone's french fries (my favorite, by the way, def on my list of what to have when this is over). But the lemonade is actually good today. Less cayenne pepper made a huge difference. Now it is actually a good lemonade 'cept for this spicy aftertaste. And there is still a good amount in there, i can see the specks floating about, so I am still getting what I need. To be honest, I don't feel much different then normal! I think this may be because I am pretty healthy as it is and in pretty good shape so these two days haven't shocked my system too much i don't think. I am interested to see what the days ahead bring. I also have already started saying I am not going to make it the 10 days. I think i am saying this because i miss food and was thinking of getting sushi on sunday night and calling it a wrap. This of course probably not the best way to come off the cleanse! but we will see. I want to feel some changes to be honest. Or i just won't get it.

1 comment:

galactivision said...

heya sis! aww i didn't know you were doing a master cleanse.... i woulda sent you some heartsong pepper brews... http://www.heartsongchai.com/pepperbrews.htm - these are made by a friend of Julie's, up in Oregon...